Change is a rule of universe and we are all abided with nature's law.Things keep on changing in our surroundings and we are witnessing it in our regular life.
Doctors update themselves with recent medical advancement in the field of medical science, Engineer update themselves with the latest softwares, technician update themselves with latest technology etc. Doctors use video calling & help doctors in delicate surgeries by sitting a miles away to save a life, food & other necessary items cannot be supplied to different part of the country without using fast transportation to meet people's requirement, so basically change is an essential element for survival.
If we wont pace up ourselves with the time & requirements we cannot survive and the same thing is apply to our Judiciary system as well.
Our constitution formed on 26th January 1950. At that time crime rate was very low rape, murder etc hyneious crime were almost negligible so as per those scenerio the laws were made.Now a days scenario has completely changed and we are witnessing it in our regular life, crime rate has grown up exponentially in past several years. Its just impossible that you spent a single day without reading or hearing about a murder or rape case in the country. But as we all aware that the laws are so flexible that the crime rate is keep on increasing day by day.
A girl got raped and murdered in Delhi (Nirbhaya Case) whole india came down to the streets for 'Dharna, Candle March etc' for the justice and unfortunately just after a week people forget everything and become busy in their routine life.
Now one question- What is the use of Candle March, Dharna and all if it does not make any difference in the crime rate? Does rape case has decresed after Nirbhaya Case?
Unforunately the answer is NO.
The fact is that the rape case has been keep on increasing after Nirbhaya Case nothing has changed by Dharna or Candle March. The changes can only been seen once the laws has been revised and become more stringent so that the culprit has a feeling of fear for the law. This is the only way to control the crime rate. An excellent example of this is Saudi Arabia's and other arab countries. Their law system are so powerful that the crime rate is very low there.
In nirbhaya case after hearing the court decision victim's brother statement was- " Usse bilkul pacchtawa nhi tha jo usne kiya or judge k faisla sunate waqt wo muje or mere parents ko dekh k hasne lga or hum teeno ro rahe teh esa lga jese saja usse nhi hume mil rhi ho".
I must say that was a tight slap on our Judiciary system.
There are millions of cases are pending in our indian courts presently. Even some times people have died while fighting their cases for whole life and they never get any sought of justice and finally the case has been closed automatically with the end of their life. Citizen of India invest huge amount of money or savings of their life for justice but unfortunately in most cases that day has never come.

I've read that as per indian law a wife cannot file a rape charge againt her husband because they are married. But at the same course if a couple who is living together for long a girl can file a case of rape againt him or his live in partner. I mean i seriously dont get it in any way how can you define something just because they are married crime is crime no matter what.
In the terrorist attack of 26/11 in mumbai 161 people have died and 202 injured and we caught Kasab. What American did they went and killed the Saddam and laden directly and what we did we have spent millions of Rupees on upbringing of Kasab his food, medical, security etc and finally hang him. I mean what the hell is it really worthy?
As we have seen an recent example in Salman Khan's case. it took almost 13 years to come to an judgement but it hardly takes 2-3 hours to get him bail.In a very short span of 2 days he managed to got stay on the judgement as well. One question is it possible for any common man like you and me?
To a positive note, Government of different states have taken action and install fast track court for quick decisions. Govt has also formed a body called "Jan Adalat" this Judiciary body takes place in remote areas village etc to resolve their family matters etc. this is appreciable efforts from the govt, towards this end.
I am not blaming anyone for the current scenario whether its boy's fault or girl's fault in rape case or its a wife or husband who is responsible for divorce, Dharna, candle march and stuff is wrong or so. But the matter of the fact is is that our Judiciary system need to be revised as per the current scenario by realizing the fact that what is happening around us. This is the only way to reduce crime rate so that a normal citizen can live freely without any fear in the society.
Doctors update themselves with recent medical advancement in the field of medical science, Engineer update themselves with the latest softwares, technician update themselves with latest technology etc. Doctors use video calling & help doctors in delicate surgeries by sitting a miles away to save a life, food & other necessary items cannot be supplied to different part of the country without using fast transportation to meet people's requirement, so basically change is an essential element for survival.
If we wont pace up ourselves with the time & requirements we cannot survive and the same thing is apply to our Judiciary system as well.
Our constitution formed on 26th January 1950. At that time crime rate was very low rape, murder etc hyneious crime were almost negligible so as per those scenerio the laws were made.Now a days scenario has completely changed and we are witnessing it in our regular life, crime rate has grown up exponentially in past several years. Its just impossible that you spent a single day without reading or hearing about a murder or rape case in the country. But as we all aware that the laws are so flexible that the crime rate is keep on increasing day by day.
A girl got raped and murdered in Delhi (Nirbhaya Case) whole india came down to the streets for 'Dharna, Candle March etc' for the justice and unfortunately just after a week people forget everything and become busy in their routine life.
Now one question- What is the use of Candle March, Dharna and all if it does not make any difference in the crime rate? Does rape case has decresed after Nirbhaya Case?
Unforunately the answer is NO.
The fact is that the rape case has been keep on increasing after Nirbhaya Case nothing has changed by Dharna or Candle March. The changes can only been seen once the laws has been revised and become more stringent so that the culprit has a feeling of fear for the law. This is the only way to control the crime rate. An excellent example of this is Saudi Arabia's and other arab countries. Their law system are so powerful that the crime rate is very low there.
In nirbhaya case after hearing the court decision victim's brother statement was- " Usse bilkul pacchtawa nhi tha jo usne kiya or judge k faisla sunate waqt wo muje or mere parents ko dekh k hasne lga or hum teeno ro rahe teh esa lga jese saja usse nhi hume mil rhi ho".
I must say that was a tight slap on our Judiciary system.
There are millions of cases are pending in our indian courts presently. Even some times people have died while fighting their cases for whole life and they never get any sought of justice and finally the case has been closed automatically with the end of their life. Citizen of India invest huge amount of money or savings of their life for justice but unfortunately in most cases that day has never come.

I've read that as per indian law a wife cannot file a rape charge againt her husband because they are married. But at the same course if a couple who is living together for long a girl can file a case of rape againt him or his live in partner. I mean i seriously dont get it in any way how can you define something just because they are married crime is crime no matter what.
In the terrorist attack of 26/11 in mumbai 161 people have died and 202 injured and we caught Kasab. What American did they went and killed the Saddam and laden directly and what we did we have spent millions of Rupees on upbringing of Kasab his food, medical, security etc and finally hang him. I mean what the hell is it really worthy?
As we have seen an recent example in Salman Khan's case. it took almost 13 years to come to an judgement but it hardly takes 2-3 hours to get him bail.In a very short span of 2 days he managed to got stay on the judgement as well. One question is it possible for any common man like you and me?
To a positive note, Government of different states have taken action and install fast track court for quick decisions. Govt has also formed a body called "Jan Adalat" this Judiciary body takes place in remote areas village etc to resolve their family matters etc. this is appreciable efforts from the govt, towards this end.
I am not blaming anyone for the current scenario whether its boy's fault or girl's fault in rape case or its a wife or husband who is responsible for divorce, Dharna, candle march and stuff is wrong or so. But the matter of the fact is is that our Judiciary system need to be revised as per the current scenario by realizing the fact that what is happening around us. This is the only way to reduce crime rate so that a normal citizen can live freely without any fear in the society.