Whenever i travel back to my childhood memories, one incident always strike my mind. It was the time of summer vacations when i used to go to my Grandfather's (Nana) home which is a small village in Madhya Pradesh. It was the time of April-May there was a vital problem of water availability.
I still remember my Uncle (Mama) used to get the water on the byke with the help of some 20-25 litres of plastic utensil from well which was at farmer's farmland 3-4 km outside the village. Though my Nana never told me a single word on a consumption of water while my mother never allowed me to use more than 1 bucket to take bath. she used to tell me " 1 Week baad ghar jayenge tb tuje mana nhi krungi". That innocent kid never understand how serious the issue was.
At present many African tribal countries which is far-far away from all the technological development & modernized world. Their peopls are still fighting for thier lives over water. I have seen a documentry on discovery channel on which tribals use the root of the plants to collect water from it and gave it to their crying child to satisfy their thurst. Believe me that was really heart wrenching scene i can never forget. This is not limited to a certain country but it is global issue which is affecting millions of lives through out the globe.
Hundreds of people died every year due to unavailability of water or by consuming unsafe water.
Our india is also not enough lucky in this front. If we come to our country in some parts of the state of Rajastahan i.e Badmer etc. The local govt. has identified unique way to fight with the water problem. Govt. has installed
Water ATM. Ya you read it right. The ATM cards were distributed to a single person from each family they can recharge their cards & swap it into the machine & they can get 20 L of water by each swaping with minimum charge of Rs. 5. I mean this is the sceneraio what our people are facing for water and how we use at our home we all know.
Water ATM |
Water ATM Used by Villagers |
Moreover most of the indian cities i.e Mumbai, Delhi, Gurgaon etc are encountering the same problem. There are disputes going on over so many years on the river's water in many states of the country. Every states wants to hold and take command over the water by builidng dams, canals etc for their growth as well as meeting thier occupants requirements.

Everyone aware of the fact that no industry or agriculture etc can survive without water. Hundreds of farmers commit suicide in india every year for not getting enough output in the farmland. One of the major issue behind this is water unavailability, lack of rainfall etc.

If the water can be saved many lives can be saved directly or indirectly. Hundreds of people may get employement . Industry may increase their productivity.
If the people get employed and if they have a job to earn their livelihood. Then we can find a decrement in crime rate as well.
This leads to an overall development in terms of a nation or a people of the nation.
Infact now a days politicians have started claiming votes on the basis of water security (24 hour bijli, 24 hour pani)
Below is one video which can give you a glimpse of future scenario:
To a positive note, I would like to appreciate here the govt. efforts towards this front. Govt. has mandate rainwater harvesting in many states of our country and shortly they will gonna mandate use of Sewage Treatement Plant (STP) as well.
Just for a brief information, STP is a technology which treats waste water from kitchen, car wash, bathroom (except toilet water) & treat it to a territary standards and reuse it in a toilet flushing, gardening, car washing etc. Believe me this will gonna save enermous amount of water which could be provided to the needful,
I am not saying you to bound yourself to not to use water (not taking bathing , drink less water) but there should be a maximize utlization of limited resources available to us.
Next time whenever you are going to use water think about this blog.
Just remember there are thousands of ways to satisfy hunger but there is no substitue out there to satisy your thrust except water.
Once a famous writer presents the importance of water in a small sentense:
A little water is a sea to an ant.
Everone say water is a precious thing please save it.
I would rather interpret in this way: if you cant save it atleast dont waste it.
This is a wake up call.